new england and florida wedding photographer for couples looking for an unforgettable wedding photography experience

Meet Christine

I am a friend, a sister, a daughter, a FIANCEE and a photographer. Anyone who knows me knows that I love my family, my cats, my work, and, of course, my camera 

I was born in Fall River, MA, spent my entire life living in Fall River and Somerset. I first discovered my love for photography as a child. I remember constantly taking out my camera, taking random pictures of me and my brothers, my room, and anything I could possibly take a picture of (i.e. toes, hands, bugs, quarters, nails, you get the jist).

I absolutely love being the go-to girl among my family and friends for capturing an event or portrait. I love photography because pictures have a way of describing the past that words and stories simply cannot do. I started this business out of the pure love I have for taking pictures. I truly appreciate the importance of a good photograph, and I have great respect for the business of photography itself. I want to give you the best memories possible so I read books, and I also have several other professional photographers that I consult with. I am always learning.

My family has pushed me to follow my dreams which is why I’m where I am today and can say that I’m doing what I enjoy most. I love "freezing" moments in time. 

Here are some facts about me (in no particular order):

I can spend hours in a Staples store at any given time. I just love the paper and everything that has to do with an office. I'm like a kid in a candy store.

staples stores

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I'm still crazy obsessed with the Backstreet Boys and I'm not ashamed to admit it. If there is a concert within 2 hours from me, I will be there with VIP passes. And their cruises of course. I will always be a "teeny bopper" at heart. Oh and Nick is my favorite<3

backstreet boys

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The transition between Summer and Fall is my favorite time of the year by far. I love the sun, the weather, and most of all, the beautiful colors in the trees!

summer to fall

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I get way too excited when I find new locations to shoot at!

new locations

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My cats are my kids, I don’t think I am a crazy cat person but I know I love them more than I like most people and I’m OK with that :)

my cats

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 I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning when I get back home from an engagement session or wedding and get to look at all the pictures


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I love nature and being outside but I can’t stand bees and bugs. I'm pretty sure there's a phobia out there for bees. If so, I've got it. BAD.


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Blue Bloods, Grey's Anatomy, Law & Order SVU, Bull, and I also watch way too much HGTV or Hallmark Christmas movies than I care to admit ;)

tv shows

+ that's me in a nutshell!

click here to contact christine!

Ready to learn more?

I hope you got to know me a little bit more, and I would love to get to know you as well! Please take a look through my website, shoot me an email and we can chat!